VariPPC – Exceptional Scalability
VariPPC is built to fit in environments where conventional PCs don’t.
Ease of integration into existing environments & compatibility with legacy equipment enables our Panel PC to bridge any infrastructure gap with the different equipment in use. Delivering an ergonomic form factor that yields powerful performance, low failure rate, Ingress protection along with an extended product lifecycle .
Our Panel PCs are designed and manufactured to endure physical wear & tear in any scenario even under extreme environmental conditions. Poindus VariPPC is a cost-efficient solution that offers exceptional scalability, allowing you to scale out as your business grows.

System integrators can overcome any project limitations and gain tangible service benefits utilizing the VariIO I/O Box, a customizable and independently mountable advanced I/O Box that connects to the panel via a single cable.
* For advanced retail applications that require a High Definition complex GUI interface,
the VariPPC 256 offers the features to match.